Friday 15 January 2016

25 word pitch notes

Hip Hop aimed 16-25 appealing to more young adults. Inspired clash (simplistic style/colors) Feature known/newest artists, modern/up to date with times. £4.99


  1. Good clear audience and obvious what you want your magazine to look like. However it may be difficult without the correct clothing or look, good luck!

  2. Good clear audience and obvious what you want your magazine to look like. However it may be difficult without the correct clothing or look, good luck!

  3. very clear pitch ! can't wait to see the final product

  4. Very well explained in your pitch. I like the idea and are looking forward to see it

  5. Very well explained pitch with brave genre, ensure you hit the points of fashion age and a premium look.

  6. Great pitch! Looking forward to seeing your finished project because you are my fave :)

  7. Well explained with a clear audience and genre choice. Maybe think about what you will use as a background as the genre requires certain stylistic traits.

  8. This is a good choice of words to describe your magazine! Keep up the good work!

  9. A very good pitch with a good choice of words. I like it how you have chose an unique music genre as it sets you out from everyone else. It was clear that the audience was 16-25, the genre was hip hop and your inspired magazine was Clash.

  10. Great pitch! I like the idea for your magazine and your word choice clearly portrays your ideas for the end product :)

  11. Good selection of words. I like your desired colour theme; it's very sophisticated. Keep up the good work!

  12. limited information. It is hard to visualize your magazine though your explaination was very informative. Your idea of using bright colours can work with this genre. Getting the perfect picture for your magazine will be very difficult due to standards of hip magazines are very high. good luck, i look forward to seeing your finished magazine

  13. Good pitch however there is limited information to describe the magazine in more depth. The pricing is suitable for the age rage within the audience as it isn't too cheap or too expensive.

  14. good pitch, it might be difficult to recreate this style of magazine but good luck.

  15. Can clearly see your audience and chosen genre. Consider your photo and background choices as the perfect picture will be difficult to recreate. Good luck, look forward to seeing the finished magazine.

  16. This is a good pitch. It will be difficult to reproduce this genre of magazine due to the photo background and the actual model in the photo could be difficult to reproduce. Good Luck.
